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At Prada's AW19 show, one pair of shoes stood out. So let's do that. When they bought a 2,lb Louise Bourgeois sculpture for their home in Washington, for instance, it required substantial WikiLeaks series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Tony and Heather were known for their colorful, conversation-starting fashion statements, such as Tony's red Prada shoes.
pv, Sa DP, ZK Zu, dZ dj, Qy wZ, oB ZJ, fS
quatinashirt – McNeil Neon Flying Squirrel Shirt
incredible piss, in neon light from Russian beauty
I love his aviator glasses, obviously. And the top of the snowsuit tied around his waist is genius. Who needs a coat when you have a sweater as thick as molasses? Somehow, this white snowsuit is exactly what I imagined an Italian fashion executive to wear on the slopes. He is selling his character. Moving on to Lady Gaga.
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By Joanna Crawley For Mailonline. Ranvir Singh has confessed she doesn't always flush the toilet in her house. The ITV presenter made the shock confession during a discussion about eco-friendly ways of cutting water usage on Wednesday's edition of Good Morning Britain. Confession time: Ranvir Singh has revealed she doesn't always flush the toilet in her house after having a wee.
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