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Jump to navigation. Every Lord's Day, millions of Christians defy their civil authorities and gather together to worship in obedience to the King of kings. Why is it that those in repressive Communist and Islamic regimes risk all to gather together to praise God and listen to his Word? Why do fewer and fewer people go to church in the free Western world with its rich Christian heritage? Why does there appear to be a developing trend in orthodox Reformed churches, including "our" churches, that fewer are attending the second service? What is going on?
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"...it is a pleasure and a privilege to spend time together in person."

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Christian Privilege Checklist | Project Humanities

As much as I appreciate the online videos, Zoom calls, and Google Meets, none of them compare to the honor of experiencing an event, or even just meeting up in person. This was made terrifically clear during the Three Days services at Gloria Day. On Maundy Thursday, we all sat around beautifully set tables piled high with bread, juice and wine. Surrounding the tables were strangers and friends, come together to share the last supper of our Lord. How amazing it was to see each other's faces watching in awe as one by one people came to the center to have their feet washed. On Good Friday, we sat around the room in a large circle. We wondered together how people could be so cruel, and, yet, came together to the realization that we, too, might have crucified Christ that day long ago.
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Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful. Psalm b. For years I got very little out of church. The sermons were boring. The music was embarrassing.
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Beloved in Christ Jesus, think of the name of someone you love deeply. Think of their name—even say it to yourself, in your mind, every letter and syllable. All that, just from speaking their name and thinking about it for a moment or two. For someone whom you know and love, their name is much more than a few markings on a page or sounds in the air. Over time, as you get to know a person, their name embodies who they are.
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