A little about the video
qG, PD qn, YZ eq, JV ei, Os AV, xU XG, Gi
Even healthy relationships aren't perfect, but don't ignore the red flags. Strong bonds require respect, support and most importantly, effort. If your squad avoids these faux pas, they're all keepers. A strong friendship goes both ways.
qG, PD qn, YZ eq, JV ei, Os AV, xU XG, Gi
Goodbye, My Friend
Dear Moms: If Your Kid's Whiny, You Only Have Yourself To Thank | YourTango
Jump to navigation Skip navigation. Last month, the ACLU's Louise Melling blogged about how street harassment shames and humiliates women , and is underreported because of the stigma attached to it. While that blog was making the editing rounds here at the office, I shared my own story of how I dealt with a particularly obnoxious harasser, and my esteemed colleagues suggested I share it. And there's gonna be swearing.
My Father Vanished When I Was 7. The Mystery Made Me Who I Am.
Love this! I am also happy to judge people who don't vaccinate. And when other parents' vocalising of their choices not the choices themselves, you do you grates on me, I kind of suck it up, hold my tongue, and roll my eyes. Thanks for sharing, nice post!
My dearest friends have been in my life way before I had kids. They have saved me from plenty of close calls; with boys, parents and definitely with certain unsaid hairstyles. When we ask for help, we need to choose the right person to ask because we kind of always know what we want to hear. More importantly, we want to make sure that, when asking for that help, we're not opening ourselves up to unnecessary judgment or criticism. It's hard enough to admit that you're in over your head and trust me, when you're a parent that will happen without someone making you feel guilty about it.
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I should perhaps better keep silent
Well done, what words are used ..., brilliant idea
There is also something to it, I think it is an excellent idea. I agree with you.
We should not fool ourselves on this point.
Let it be a funny message
I think that is the wrong way to go. And with that, it should stay.