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OXFORD, England Thomson Reuters Foundation - The risks of human trafficking to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people is poorly understood despite evidence of exploitation via webcams and other technology, the head of an anti-slavery group, Polaris, said on Thursday. Polaris analyzed data from 40, likely cases of human trafficking and labor exploitation based on calls to a national U. While sexual exploitation in bars and forced labor in tobacco fields, nail salons and homes is well known, other forms of slavery are going under the radar with little action to tackle these crimes, a recent Polaris report found. Such acts can involve live commercial sex acts through webcams, or exploitation through text-based chats and phone sex lines, according to Polaris.
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Men who have sex with men and who have had the same partner for 3 months or more and meet our other eligibility criteria are able to give blood. We assess your eligibility to give blood based solely on your own individual experiences, making the process fairer for everyone. If you have previously been unable to give blood because of the guidelines and would like to donate, please call us on 23 One of our team can review the new guidelines with you and, if eligible, book your next appointment. The 3-month wait is to reduce the risk of any very recently acquired infections not being detected on screening and further tests.
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Skip navigation! Story from Wellness. Plenty of millennials are familiar with slang terms like "woke," and "bae," and "on fleek," but there's a whole subset of slang words that most of us probably aren't that familiar with — words used to describe the bisexual community. So, to break them down and give us all a little more understanding of what it's like to be bisexual, Amanda Montell of "The Dirty Word" — a sex positive word nerd's dream YouTube show — asked three of her bisexual friends to quiz her on bi slang. The women go over words like "a unicorn" — a bisexual girl who has sex with a straight couple, but does not form emotional attachments — and "gay after three" — the idea that someone is gay after three drinks.
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In July the UK removed its three-month abstinence period for gay and bisexual men donating blood, and moved to an individual risk assessment for all donors, regardless of gender or sexual partner. A number of other nations, including the Netherlands, Israel, Argentina, France and Germany, have abolished their ban on blood donations for particular groups since the pandemic began, or plan to do so soon. But under Australian policy, gay men or trans women who have sex with men are unable to donate blood if their sexual abstinence period is less than three months.
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