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Jl, OR Oc, ja Fs, FB tT, Xa kB, gZ tw, UC
A bulging belly not just looks bad, but it is also harmful to your health. Being obese or overweight is not the only cause of belly fat, even thin people have some belly fat. Some fat may be right under your skin and you can easily see it when you hold your belly. This is type of fat is called soft fat.
Jl, OR Oc, ja Fs, FB tT, Xa kB, gZ tw, UC
You Can Actually Override Your "Fat" Genes—Here's How
Belly Fat and Weight Loss: 12 Reasons You Don't Lose Weight | Time
At Men's Health, we spend a lot of time talking about how to get rock-hard abs. But the truth is, having a hard stomach isn't always a good thing. In fact, if you have excess stomach fat and it's hard to the touch, it can be a sign that you're at increased risk of serious illness. So why is your beer belly hard, and how can you fix it? The first cause brings us to the root of your hard stomach: a high accumulation of visceral fat. Located in the spaces between organs in your abdominal cavity, visceral fat is packed in tightly, so there's no jiggle room.
11 reasons you’re not losing belly fat
Losing belly fat isn't just an appearance-based concern though; according to NHS Choices, fat collecting around your middle poses more health risks than fat that sits elsewhere. We store spare body fat under the skin and also around the vital organs in our abdomen. Fat around the abdomen causes more health problems than, say, fat carried around the bottom or on the thighs.
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so congratulations ... =)
very good piece
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