It's finally here: P6s' very own 3D clitoris! Here it is chilling in the leafs? Drop by the P6 office to say hi! Skip navigation! Story from Sex School. Cory Stieg.
The sole function of the clitoris is female orgasm. Is that why it’s ignored by medical science?
Clit-ical Analysis: Everything You Need To Know About The Clitoris | Yoppie
Medical textbooks are full of anatomical pictures of the penis, but the clitoris barely rates a mention. Many medical professionals are uncomfortable even talking about it. Professor Caroline de Costa is awaiting feedback. Several months ago the editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology requested an editorial from a world-renowned Melbourne urologist to address what she saw as a lack of research and, more concerningly, a persistent lack of knowledge about an essential part of the female reproductive system. She suspects her colleagues, used though they are to dispassionate discussion of female genitalia, may be too embarrassed to write in. The editorial was about the clitoris, an organ whose sole function is the female orgasm.
Here's How To Find The Clitoris — You Can Thank Us Later
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Clue is on a mission to help you understand your body, periods, ovulation, and so much more. Start tracking today. The clitoris is located above the vaginal opening.
All сomments (4)
Sewall 2 years ago
I am sure what is it - a mistake.
Karmel 2 years ago
I am happy to accept that. The question is interesting, I will also participate in the discussion. I know that together we can come to a correct answer.
All сomments (4)
I am sure what is it - a mistake.
I am happy to accept that. The question is interesting, I will also participate in the discussion. I know that together we can come to a correct answer.
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