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All сomments (6)
Werner 2 years ago
could have been without a mat.
Warton 2 years ago
I love people who notice all sorts of details and little things and who can find something attractive and invisible to the majority in everyday things. Super!
Fitzadam 2 years ago
You have hit the nail on the head. There's something good about it too, I agree.
Alexander 2 years ago
It's a pity that I can't comment now - I don't have time. I will come back - I will definitely express my opinion on this issue.
Thornly 2 years ago
Well, let's see what they offer us
Simson 2 years ago
I fully share their point of view. I think it is a good idea. I agree with you.
All сomments (6)
could have been without a mat.
I love people who notice all sorts of details and little things and who can find something attractive and invisible to the majority in everyday things. Super!
You have hit the nail on the head. There's something good about it too, I agree.
It's a pity that I can't comment now - I don't have time. I will come back - I will definitely express my opinion on this issue.
Well, let's see what they offer us
I fully share their point of view. I think it is a good idea. I agree with you.