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It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I found this on SO and googled the idiom "suit yourself", but I couldn't find a matching translation. The context was that the questioner was nitpicking and the answerer lost his patience. It implies that the speaker made some attempt perhaps small to get the listener to do something; it's not generally something you say out of the blue.
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meaning - What does "Suit yourself" mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

The class-action suit alleges the NFL "remains rife with racism" and that the league's efforts to promote the hiring of minority coaches through the so-called "Rooney rule" have amounted to an abysmal failure. Flores said he knows challenging the league and its teams in such a public manner could lead to his exile from the notoriously close fraternity of coaches. My sincere hope is that by standing up against systemic racism in the NFL, others will join me to ensure that positive change is made for generations to come," Flores said in a statement accompanying the suit. Of particular note, the suit begins with an alleged text message from Patriots head coach Bill Belichick. I double checked and misread the text. I think they are naming Brian Daboll. I'm sorry about that.
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  1. Cristofor
    Cristofor 2 years ago

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