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Diante Story was the type of kid that you had to keep busy - always so full of energy, always eager to dance and play outside, his mom said. They moved to Louisville when he was a toddler, and as a single mom in a new town without other family, Rosalyn Story and Diante were never far apart. He was her only child and he was still a young man, learning the ways of the world, she said. After graduation, Diante got his second job, one that he loved. He got his own apartment too, something he was really proud of. He had a girlfriend and they were building a life together.
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Why Women Still Can’t Have It All - The Atlantic

As a result, they seek out older men who act with more sophistication and class. These men may be worldly, financially secure, and over many of the games they played in their younger years. On the other hand, the women might be feeling the maternal instincts kicking in and want to start a family soon. Older men are more likely to settle down sooner and begin a family. Although an older man might enjoy dating a younger woman and vice versa, there can be disadvantages to this type of relationship. Well-intentioned family members and friends may lecture that the relationship will not work. They may not be able to understand the bond that two people of different generations can have.
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Confident and successful women of various ages exist all over the world. They are capable of engaging or befriending men that are equal or older anytime they wish. The attraction that younger men have to older women is one that many people ponder. However, there are a few reasons that men offer to explain their attraction to older women. Most people give no thought to the age gap when the man is older than the woman.
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As a rule, you must be 18 or over before you can exercise responsibility for a child. In other words, you must be legally an adult. But if you are a mother aged 16 or 17, you can ask the court to declare you an adult so that you can get responsibility for your child.
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