A little about the video
yS, Co Xn, Ba ce, sc oS, tM QA, kp oC, RN
As of Friday, the uploads could be found by typing periods or commas into the search bar. A lot of these were short, seemingly throwaway uploads resembling podcast episodes, with images of hardcore porn as the album title. The audio file was just a computer generated voice reading Many of the examples above, seen before emailing Spotify for comment, have been removed. A lot of it is amateur and, honestly, bad—and most of it is in inactive podcasts that people started and then abandoned years ago.
yS, Co Xn, Ba ce, sc oS, tM QA, kp oC, RN
The porn and fantasy results
Twitter’s New Statuses Are Going Straight to Porn, Because Twitter Is Full of Porn
This week, Twitter started publicly testing a new feature that lets some users add a trite little clickable phrase to their tweets. Some people on Twitter are reporting that their experience with the new feature is a little different than expected. For those who did, the porn was at the top of the feed, little to no scrolling required, and there was a lot of it. All of the status choices are based on things people commonly say on Twitter. Some people see Myspace or Livejournal influences in the feature.
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JAV real swingers club featuring first time couple that gets very carried away and ends up having sex with nearly everyone in HD. School J. Big Dick Is Held.
Elizabeth is a freelance health and wellness writer. She helps brands craft factual, yet relatable content that resonates with diverse audiences. John C. He is the medical director at Alcohol Recovery Medicine.
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Congratulations, you were simply visited by the bright idea
No problem!
Rarely. We can say this exception :)