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A little about the video
For various reasons the metal combo of critical acclaim and public rejection? The verboten nature of said plane-based horror? The fact that the director disputed the theatrical version and released his own cut three years later? Jake Gyllenhaal's mentally unstable character? If any clear message can be distilled from the movie — and honestly, I'm not sure that one can — it's, "You're not crazy, you're just a martyr who's smarter than everybody else. If you didn't like Donnie Darko , you were an idiot basic.
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Sure, we all have egos to some degree, save for severe psychological problems; but sometimes you just may not feel like being self-centered or egocentric. Sometimes you may just feel like cracking a joke that says, "Ha! Take That! This doesn't always work, though. Make these jokes in front of those actually feeling in those aforementioned moods, and they won't see the joke.
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No Offense, But What Is 'Donnie Darko'?

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The Straight Man takes a fall. His usual position is far above the prevailing attitude of his crew, wackiness, pettiness or just general slacker - itis. In a story where the wackiness level is really high, the straight man is still goofier and wackier than anyone you know, but he has his standards to maintain.
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