A little about the video
Wayne's background in life coaching along with his work helping organizations to build family-friendly policies, gives him a unique perspective on fathering. Snapchat is very popular among teens. It's a phone app that allows users to send photos and videos called snaps to other users. However, unlike with photos or videos sent via text or email, those sent on Snapchat disappear seconds after they're viewed. Snapchat does have some risks, so it's important for parents to be aware of how it works.
Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy
Teen sexuality & sexual development | Raising Children Network
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The Truth About Teen Girls
When you ask a couple how they met, it's pretty common for them to answer, "On the internet. And though most opt for Snapchat or Instagram to widen their social circles, some are curious enough to try one of the many messaging apps that promise to help them "make new friends. At this point, most parents would say "no way" and stop reading right now. But these apps are a fact of life for many teens especially LGBTQ youth who may not have a supportive community at school.
Are clothing manufacturers helping to turn young girls into sex objects? According to a new study, up to 30 percent of young girls' clothing available online in the US is 'sexy' or sexualizing. In their view, this has serious implications for how girls evaluate themselves according to a sexualized model of feminine physical attractiveness. It makes them confront the issue of sexual identity at a very young age. Their findings were just published online in Springer's journal Sex Roles.
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