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ZJ, cz vD, QF ur, cJ pb, Jw nZ, eh Im, LJ
Spots and marks on the skin or glans of the penis could be many different things, many of them easily treated or not especially serious. But without having them examined by a doctor, it's impossible to know what the problem is and how it should be treated. Not all spots in this part of your body are caused by sexually transmitted infections, but some can be. HIV does not cause red spots. Syphilis chancres are small painless lumps that may be dull red, black or brown. The color depends on the color of your skin.
ZJ, cz vD, QF ur, cJ pb, Jw nZ, eh Im, LJ
Genital Problems in Men
Penis-Scrotum Symptoms-Child
Spots, lumps and bumps on the penis can cause embarrassment and, for a minority of men, health and sexual function issues. We ask two specialists how blemishes on the penis are treated, what is common and what is not, and why it is important to visit a GP or sexual clinic if in doubt. The news that men are extremely attached to their penises, literally and emotionally, will come as no surprise to either gender. A man's sense of masculinity is often linked to his sexual organ. Unsightly blemishes down there - particularly those that are sexually transmitted - can not only be damaging to a guy's vanity but, for the unlucky few, their long-term health. Among the most common are the wonderfully alliterative pearly penile papules, small flesh-coloured lumps that tend to circle the head of the penis in one or two rows - these are just a normal part of your penis and can't be caught or passed on.
What Could Red Spots on the Head of Your Penis Be?
Approximately 3 to 11 percent of men are affected by this common condition of the penis. There are several types of balanitis as well as different methods for treatment; this guide can help you find what to watch for. Balanitis is the inflammation of the head of the penis.
Balanitis is a skin irritation on the head of the penis that can affect men and boys. It's not usually serious, but you should see your GP if you think you or your son has balanitis. Balanitis affects the head of the penis and the foreskin. Some adults may also have a tight foreskin that won't pull back.
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