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The year-old pop megastar — real name Alecia Moore — looked like a dream in a tangerine-colored dress as she left the exclusive Soho House in Malibu on Thursday night. Wow factor: Pink looked like a dream in a tangerine-colored dress as she left the exclusive Soho House in Malibu on Thursday night. She was joined by her children Willow, 10, and Jameson, four, for the meal at the social club which requires a membership and boasts it 'is a place for creative thinkers to meet, socialise, eat, drink and relax.
We debate. She lowers her voice and breaks into an impression of her father Jim, whose nickname is Mr Cause on account of his activism. The majority want to take their clothes off, take pictures in the bathroom and post it on Instagram or Snapchat or whatever. Nobody respects that. Or a hypocrite.
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