Professional wrestling , also known as pro wrestling or simply wrestling , is a form of combat sport which includes theateratical performance and melodrama. Professional wrestlers are also actors who portray flamboyant characters with turbulent rivalries. Most matches in high-level promotions are performed in an arena modeled on boxing arenas. Professional wrestling in the United States began in the 19th century as a genuine competitive sport based on catch wrestling. Around the turn of the century, wrestlers began making their matches predetermined and choreographing some of their matches to make the matches less physically taxing, shorter in duration, and more entertaining. This allowed the wrestlers to perform more frequently, reduce the risk of injury, and attract larger audiences.
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The National Library of Canada provides an authorized mirror of this e-publication. Most recent update: December Svinth All rights reserved. Kronos; A Chronology of the Martial Arts and Combative Sports , represents my idiosyncratic interpretation of the history of the martial arts, combative sports, and associated philosophical topics. If you have suggestions for improvement, please let me know. If you think you can do better, please do so. Online references, a summary of recent changes, and general housekeeping information are found at:.
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A Longcoat is the ideal action-hero garment, more practical than a cape but infinitely cooler than a sport coat or no coat. Also, a Longcoat of any level of "billowy-ness" makes an ideal cover for producing any number of weapons, tools, supplies, and whatnot. Certain styles of Longcoat are deliberately designed to distort the wearer's frame, making their wearer's access to Hammerspace almost believable to mundane eyes.
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