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hp, EM ch, Di gW, zN iX, sj vK, Xf JR, sW
Insights into Imaging volume 11 , Article number: 49 Cite this article. Metrics details. In patients with facial trauma, multidetector computed tomography is the first-choice imaging test because it can detect and characterize even small fractures and their associated complications quickly and accurately. It has helped clinical management and surgical planning, so radiologists must communicate their findings to surgeons effectively. In Le Fort fractures, there is a breach between the pterygoid plates and the posterior maxilla.
hp, EM ch, Di gW, zN iX, sj vK, Xf JR, sW
Facial fractures: classification and highlights for a useful report
Repair of Facial Fractures
Traumatic injury to the face can result in fractures of the facial bones or soft tissue injury. Commonly broken facial bones include the frontal bone forehead , orbits eye socket , nose, cheekbones, and mandible jaw. The facial soft tissues can be damaged, leading to superficial and deep lacerations. These facial injuries most often occur from sports, falls, car accidents, or any other major trauma to the face. Broken facial bone s and soft tissue injuries can result in both cosmetic deformity and functional problems.
Maxillofacial injuries in severely injured patients
This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Blunt facial trauma can fracture the jaw and other bones of the midface. Symptoms depend on the location of the fracture. A dental x-ray or CT is diagnostic. Fractures of the lower jaw mandible are suspected in patients with post-traumatic malocclusion or focal swelling and tenderness over a segment of the mandible.
Gunshot wounds in the facial region produce important functional disabilities if they are not properly treated. They may also cause an important effect in the social and psychological development of the patient because of the aesthetic problems that they produce. This article presents a case of a 20 years-old female patient who was referred to our institution because of facial trauma secondary to a gunshot wound, whose treatment consisted of multiple reconstructive surgeries in order to obtain an adequate, functional and esthetic result. Also, we did a review of the bibliography in order to establish the proper management of the wounds found in these type of cases.. Gunshot wounds produce devastating, functional and aesthetical consequences in people, 1 specifically those in the maxillofacial region.
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